Storage Units vs Warehouses

If you’re seeking storage solutions for your business, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the main differences between two common options: Warehouses and self-storage units. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they vary in several ways.

Warehouses are associated with industrial activity and are typically specifically designed and located to meet the particular needs of a particular industry. The design of the warehouse is critical to its function for the user. Warehouses situated on a dock, for example, should be expected to be equipped with the means to load heavy materials onto cargo ships.

You may also expect to see automation in place at some warehouses where the work is particularly physically demanding. People may work alongside technology in order to minimise physical strain and increase workflow and accuracy. In advanced instances, warehouses may feature automated robots that make use of sensors to navigate the facility and perform labour- intensive tasks, relieving workers of heavy lifting. These are invaluable features for businesses that frequently perform large deliveries. Warehouses are also exclusively used by the business that owns or rents it.

Self- storage units, on the other hand, operate in a very different way. A key difference is that these are non- exclusive and a facility may have several businesses or individuals renting units. A typical storage unit facility will accommodate businesses storing goods and also individuals seeking storage of personal items.

One thing to remember about storage units is that they are not staffed in the same manner as a warehouse. You can expect to have equipment available for your use such as trolleys and pallet trucks but the facility will not have staff on hand to operate those for you. Also bear in mind that they can vary in size to suit your individual needs but will not be purpose-built for your business.

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